Zocht je misschien: evidencebased, worldview, evidencelbased?
Development and Validation of the Dutch EBPAS-ve and EBPQ-ve for Nursing Assistants and Nurses with a Vocational Education
K. Maessen; Anneke van Vught; D.L. Gerritsen; Marleen Lovink; H. Vermeulen; A. Persoon
Patient Characteristics Associated With a Successful Response to Nurse-Led Care Programs Targeting the Oldest-Old
Nienke Bleijenberg (Lid Lectoraat); Lorenz Imhof; Romy Mahrer-Imhof; Margaret Wallhagen; Niek de Wit; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector)
Treatment Fidelity of an Evidence-Based Nurse-Led Intervention in a Proactive Primary Care Program for Older People
Nienke Bleijenberg (Lector); Valerie H. ten Dam; Irene Drubbel; Mattijs E. Numans; Niek J. de Wit; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector)
Implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing using action research: a review
Guus Munten, RGN, MSc (Lid Lectoraat); Henk Garretsen PhD; Inge Bongers PhD; Joop van den Bogaard PhD; Karen Cox PhD (Lector)