Lerarenopleidings-toolkit ter ondersteuning van de implementatie en verspreiding van de MOBAK App
Nolles, Janco (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Lüthy, Pascale; Mombarg, Remo (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Schole, Lucas; Adamakis, Manolis; Bund, Andreas; Ennigkeit, Fabienne; Ferrari, Ilaria; Gerlach, Erin; Heim, Christopher; Herrmann, Christian; Masaryková, Dana; Niederkofler, Benjamin; Vlček, Petr
Theoretisch en Methodologisch Kader voor de MOBAK App
Nolles, Janco (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Mombarg, Remo (Praktijkgerichte Sportwetenschap); Lüthy, Pascale; Niehues, Maike; Schole, Lucas; Heck, Sandra; Adamakis, Manolis; Bund, Andreas; Ennigkeit, Fabienne; Ferrari, Ilaria; Gerlach, Erin; Heim, Christopher; Herrmann, Christian; Masaryková, Dana; Niederkofler, Benjamin; Schreuer, Claude; Vlček, Petr; Vrbas, Jaroslav; Krenn, Björn
Transdisciplinair samenwerken, leren en innoveren: factsheet werkproces minor+ App je Happy
M.M. Schouten; J.W. Mulder; L. Schenk
Afstuderverslag WeMind Balance
Trekop, MS (Maarten) (Student)
Health Care Workers’ Expectations of the Mercury Advance SMARTcare Solution to Prevent Pressure Injuries
Joeri Slob (Onderzoeker); Thijs van Houwelingen (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Usability and preliminary effectiveness of an app-based physical activity and education program for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis - a pilot randomized controlled trial
Franziska Weber (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Sandra Stuhrmann (Onderzoeker); Yannick Blum (Onderzoeker); Christian Grüneberg (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Lifestyle and health changes in wheelchair users with a chronic disability after 12 weeks of using the WHEELS mHealth application
Hoevenaars, Dirk; Holla, Jasmijn F M; de Groot, Sonja; Weijs, Peter J M (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Kraaij, Wessel; Janssen, Thomas W J
What is an inclusive city? Reconfiguring participation in planning with geospatial photovoice to unpack experiences of urban belonging among marginalised communities
Burgos-Thorsen, Sofie; Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Madsen, Anders Koed
Asia Marketplace Explorer: Characteristics of Individual Marketplaces
Weltevreden, Jesse (Lectoraat Digital Commerce)
Center of Pressure Analysis Tool
Vredeveld, Tom (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)