Behavior Change Support Systems
Laurence Alpay (Lid Lectoraat); Piiastiina Tikka; Sanaul Haque
Report on the development of a European competency framework for health and other professionals to support behaviour change in persons self-managing chronic disease and the associated common learning outcomes-based curriculum.
Cathal Cadogan (Onderzoeker); Judith Strawbridge (Onderzoeker); Afonso Cavaco (Onderzoeker); Afke Kerkstra (Lid Lectoraat); Cristina Baixinho (Onderzoeker); Isa Brito Félix (Onderzoeker); Marta Moreira Marques (Onderzoeker); Mara Pereira Guerreiro (Onderzoeker)
Go Omnichannel!
Saskia Otten
Translating dialectic dialogues into persuasive coaching strategies for personalized virtual coach
Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); Kulyk, Olga; Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette; van Strien, Tatjana
4th International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems
Lentferink, Aniek; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand; Kulyk, Olga; de Groot, Martijn; Polstra, Louis; Velthuijsen, Hugo; Hermens, Hermie; van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
Self-tracking and persuasive ecoaching in healthy lifestyle interventions
Lentferink, Aniek; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand; Kulyk, Olga; de Groot, Martijn; Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation); Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict); Hermens, Hermie; van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette
When sheep trust the shepherd
J. Snoek (Begeleider); J. Bruinsma- de Beer (Begeleider); Beate J. van Vliet (Student)
Knowledge management's role in the management of sustainable innovation
Faber, N.R.; Maruster, L.; Peters, K.; van Haren, R.J.F.