Wearable Tactile Technology and the Felt-Body, a Paradigm Shift
Breuer, Rebecca Louise (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Struggles for success
Abdallah, Sebastian; Duyvendak, Jan Willem; Paulle, Bowen
Bodily Connectedness in Motion
Nico de Vos (Lid Lectoraat)
Multiple Intelligences In The Classroom
Hannie Lucassen (Begeleider); Devon Beunen (Student)
Embodiment in Arts Education
Melissa Bremmer; Carolien Hermans
Comparison of different scales measuring pain intensity in patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders
Sanneke Grootjans (Student)
The opening up of hospitality spaces to difference : exploring the nature of home exchange experiences
Grit, Alexander; Lynch, Paul A.