Assessment of mastication in healthy children and children with cerebral palsy: a validity and consistency study.
Lianne Remijn; R. Speyer; B.E. Groen; P.C. Holtus; J. van Limbeek; M.W.G. Nijhuis -van der Sanden
Measuring increased fibre content in enzymatically modified starch
Ebbelaar, Monique; Geertsema, Jasper; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Binnema, Doede J.; Nap, Jan Peter
Elephant nutrition in Dutch zoos
Baarlen, I. van (Student); Gerritsen, M. (Student); Huisman, T.R.; Oomkes, C.
Food preferences in young Dutch children and recommendations for feeding intervention in developmental disabilities
MSc Stijn Deckers (Docent); Jan J.W. van der Burg; Jan M.H. de Moor
Lactic acid and Lactates in Health and wellness
Gertjan Schaafsma; Victor Schreurs
Opportunities to integrate cassava flour as partial substitute in wheat bread in Nicaragua : an evaluation of consumers, local bakeries and cassava flour processing plants
Bolanos, J. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.; Bossers, F.A.J.