Zocht je misschien: competentie, cancer, competenties, carem?
On becoming a good probation worker
Joep Hanrath (Lid Lectoraat); Kimberly Verbaan (Lid Lectoraat)
A dialogue worth having
F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lid Lectoraat); Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat); Annemie Winters (Lid Lectoraat); M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers
Understanding changes in employees' identification and professional identity
Max Aangenendt (Lid Lectoraat)
The relationship between teacher personality and teacher quality
Buttner, Svenja; Pijl, Sip Jan
Career learning and career learning environment in Dutch higher education
M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector)
Incorporating social media tools for migrant homeland development.
Celina Taboko Eno (Student); Fon Bruno (Begeleider); Elvira Joldersma (Begeleider)
The relationship between learning environment and career competencies of students in vocational education
C.M. Gundy (Docent); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector); M.A.C.T. (Marinka) Kuijpers (Lector)
Entrepreneurial learning: practice as a source for learning and business success
S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat)
Factors influencing effective learning in instructional skill training for vocational instructors : learning for change : a case of Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Bhaktapur, Nepal
Neupane, S.K. (Student); Koucher, A.; Witteveen, L.