A blueprint for what? From a critical policy discursive analysis of UN’s sustainable development goals to a constructive rearticulation for their application
Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Onderzoeker); Alexander Lautensach (Onderzoeker)
Validity challenges in serious games for health : a collective case study
Keuning W (Lid Lectoraat); Prins H (Lid Lectoraat); Verhoeven F (Associate Lector); Jansen ACJ (Lid Lectoraat); Hakvoort GA (Associate Lector); Dijkstra BH; Goris J; Tiekstra S; Hettinga M (Lector); Kuipers DA
The effect of family-centered care on unplanned emergency room visits, hospital readmissions and intensive care admissions after surgery
Kreca, Sani Marijke; Albers, Iris Sophie; Musters, Selma Clazina Wilhelmina; van Dijkum, Els Jaqueline Maria Nieveen; Tuinman, Pieter Roel; Eskes, Anne Maria (Lectoraat Patiënt- En Familieparticipatie In De Klinische Zorg)
Restoration of herbivory on Caribbean coral reefs
Butler, M.J.; Durain, A.; Feehan, C.J.; Harborne, A.R.; Hylkema, A. (Onderzoeker); Patterson, J.T.; Sharp, W.C.; Spadaro, A.J.; Wijers, T. (Onderzoeker); Williams, S.M.; Arias González, J.E.
Comparative analysis of community forests in Nepal and their influence on forest cover
Feiersinger, S.J.P.D. (Student); Stilma, A.A.
Modifying risk factors, building strengths
Corine de Ruiter (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
Defining the concept of mental dysregulation in patients requiring ambulance and/or emergency department care: protocol for a Delphi consensus study
Geurt van de Glind (Onderzoeker); Julia Crilly (Onderzoeker); Niek Galenkamp (Onderzoeker); Bart Schut (Onderzoeker); Lente Werner (Onderzoeker); Eric Chan (Onderzoeker); Emily Hilton (Onderzoeker); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker); Floortje Scheepers (Onderzoeker); David Baden (Onderzoeker); Mark van Veen (Onderzoeker); Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker)
Fitting in and being unique
Vonk, Laura
Rapid Water Table Response to Transient Pressure Wave Generation in the Unsaturated Zone of Tailings Dams
Theron, Charné (Climate Adaptation); Lorentz, Simon
Virtual coaching for emotional eaters
Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette; Bode, Christina; Velthuijsen, Hugo