Implementing a Unified Loyalty Program in a Franchise Business
W.B. van Dam (Begeleider); Svetlana M. Tzaneva (Student)
Masterminding the dance of light : [research report tailored for exportation of laser/nonlinear crystals to Northern America]
Peng Wang (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
The potential of Mesoamerican coffee production systems to mitigate climate change
Rikxoort, H. van (Student); Läderach, P.; Hal, J. van
Insurance Employee Training in China
Ying Liang (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Analysing the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era : an assessment of the evolution of NATO since the 1990s and recommendations for the future
C.M. Nigten (Begeleider); Joyce van de Bildt (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)