Creating partnerships between schools and lower‐educated parents to enhance young children’s language development: a formative evaluation
M.S. van der Pluijm; M.E.A. Lusse; A.J.S. van Gelderen; J. Kessels
Digital tools in Dutch mathematics education
Paul Drijvers (Lector)
Facilitating language teaching in a hybrid classroom over three locations via streaming video on a first year bachelor course
Zac Woolfitt (Lid Lectoraat); Pieter Swager (Lid Lectoraat)
The effect of indoor environmental conditions in classrooms of The Netherlands on educational outcome
Brink, Henk Willem
Optimal classroom experience / Healthy workplace
Brink, Henk Willem
Design Concepts for Empowerment through Urban Play
Ferri, Gabriele; Hansen, Nicolai B.; van Heerden, Adam; Schouten, Ben A.M.
Self-reported health and comfort of school children in 54 classrooms of 21 Dutch school buildings
Bluyssen, Philomena; Zhang, Dadi; Kurvers, Stanley; Overtoom, Marjolein; Ortiz Sanchez, Marco
Differentiated lessons in lower vocational education
Koosje Kostjens (Student); Hannie Lucassen (Begeleider)
Presenting a complex project assignment through selected video formats
Zac Woolfitt (Lid Lectoraat)
Training Intercultural Competence in the International Classroom
Corina Tabacaru (Lid Lectoraat)