Procedural Interior Showroom Generator with Blender Geometry Nodes
Harrison, OT (Oli) (Student)
Embedding personal data minimization technologies in organizations: needs, vision and artifacts
M.S. Bargh; R.F. Meijer; S. van den Braak; A. Latenko; M. Vink; R. Choenni
Using a systems approach to model a process digital twin
Menno Herkes (Onderzoeker); Gerlinde Oversluizen (Onderzoeker)
Empowerment in complex dynamische systemen
Collignon, Debby; Ex, Carine (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Process evaluation of a programme to empower community nurse leadership
Ruth Vogel; Gerrie Bours (Lid Lectoraat); Teuni H. Rooijackers; Silke Metzelthin; Petra Erkens; Erik van Rossum (Lector); Sandra Zwakhalen (Onderzoeker)
Vegetable Bass
Helen Svoboda (Student); Matthias Nowak (Begeleider); Jesse Passenier (Begeleider)
How to measure expressed pedagogical content knowledge in real-time interaction?
Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society); Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Doornenbal, Jeannette; Van Geert, Paul L. C.
Pupils' knowledge building as a co-constructed process; a quantitative approach.
Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); de Ruiter, Naomi
Strategic HRM: it's all in the game
Collou, L.D. (Luuk) (Lector)
The nature of social work research by Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences: an overview
Martine Ganzevles (Lid Lectoraat); Daan Andriessen (Lector); Wilke van Beest (Lid Lectoraat); Jaap van Weeghel; Tine Van Regenmortel