Zocht je misschien: contractuele, contractueel?
Network Governance in Healthcare
Arjen Maris (Phd); Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Jos van Hillegersberg
Medisol - Dealer Business Cooperation Agreement
Festo Walusimbi (Student); Bernard Hollaers (Begeleider); Johan Weggemans (Docent)
Importing seafood from Mauritania and re-exporting it to Germany and France
Ali Saleh, O. (Student); Burgess, P.
Employer branding for businesses in the private sector seeking for skilled employees
Ellen J. Terpstra (Student)
Veiligheid als integraal aspect bij de projecten van Waste Treatment Technologies
Westerhof, MA (Mayra) (Student)
Project Class and Project Risks
Jasper Zwart (Student); L. Rodenburg (Begeleider)
From material scarcity to artificial abundance: the case of FabLabs and 3D printing technologies
P. De Filippi; P. Troxler
My lawyer is an artist: free culture licenses as art and manifestos
A. Mansoux (Lid Lectoraat)
HR challenges in small and medium sized enterprises
Krista Peniga (Student); W.B. van Dam (Begeleider)
Management control of ICT-services
K.C. Davids