Zocht je misschien: correlations, correction?
Wave function correlations and the AC conductivity of disordered wires beyond the Mott-Berezinskii law
Falco, G.M. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Fedorenko, Andrei A.; Gruzberg, Ilya A.
Dynamical structure of center-of-pressure trajectories with and without functional taping in children with cerebral palsy level I and II of GMFCS
Pavão, Silvia Leticia; Ledebt, Annick; Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.; Rocha, Nelci Adriana C F
Development of the Quad Focus GridPix Gaseous Tracking Detector
M.C. Vloemans (Begeleider); C.A. Swarts (Begeleider); K.C. van 't Veer (Student)
Optimization of military garment fit
Daanen, Hein
Is the shape of the air shower front useful for researching the nature of cosmic rays?
M.C. Vloemans (Begeleider); Kimmeley van Norel (Student); L.H. Arntzen (Begeleider)