Validation of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care Measurement Tool in Parkinson's Disease
MDS Study Group on Management of Movement Disorders: Interdisciplinary and Integrated Care
A proteomics approach to identify COPD-related changes in lung fibroblasts
Bekker, Nicolaas J.; van Pijkeren, Alienke; Wolters, Justina C.; Sánchez Brotons, Alejandro; Guryev, Victor; Woldhuis, Roy R.; Bischoff, Rainer; Alkema, Wynand; Horvatovich, Peter; van Nijnatten, Johannes L.L.; van den Berge, Maarten; Timens, Wim; Brandsma, Corry-Anke
Perception of vibration
Jan-Willem Prinsen (Student); Yvonne Vonk (Docent); Jacqueline Coppée (Begeleider)
What steps need te be taken in order to make Slovakia a high-revenue country?
Laura Partiková (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Nicole Dornig (Begeleider)
A technology acceptance model analysis of Metaverse technology in Education and behavioural intention to use it among university students. A comparative analysis of students' behaviour in The Netherlands and Greece.
Nikos Misirlis; Yiannis Nikolaidis
Method development to determine extractable organic fluorine (EOF) by combustion ion chromatograhpy (C-IC)
Justin de Vos (Student); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Docent); Simona Popovici (Docent); Rudi Herman (Begeleider)
StepUp Air
Manuel Armando Rincón Sarmiento (Student); Rochus van der Doef (Begeleider)
The Observable Movement Quality scale for patients with low back pain (OMQ-LBP): validity and reliability in a primary care setting of physical therapy
van Dijk, M. J. H.; van der Wal, A. M.; Mollema, J.; Visser, B.; Kiers, H.; Heerkens, Y.; Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G.
Development and Validation of the ‘Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire’ (SEDSHQ)
Nienke Kool-Goudzwaard (Lid Lectoraat); Stasja Draisma (Onderzoeker); Jaap van der Bijl; Bauke Koekkoek; A.J.F.M. (Ad) Kerkhof; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Psychometric properties of the School Participation Questionnaire: Testing a measure of participation-related constructs
Maciver, Donald; Tyagi, Vaibhav; Johnston, Lorna; Kramer, Jessica M.; Richmond, Janet; Todorova, Liliya; Romero-Ayuso, Dulce; Nakamura-Thomas, Hiromi; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); O'Hare, Anne; Forsyth, Kirsty