Peatlands across Europe
Haye, A. de la; Devereux, C.; Herk, S. van; Belle, J. van (Onderzoeker); Sechi, V. (Associate Lector)
Climate Adaptation in the Northern Netherlands
Koning, Joey
E.E. de Louw (Lid Lectoraat); Claudia Bulnes (Lid Lectoraat)
Live music ecologies and festivalisation: the role of urban live music policies
E. Hitters; M. Mulder
Where the sidewalks ends
Kristina Kosic (Student)
Solos space
Sverdlov Sverdlov (Docent); Anastassia Smirnova (Docent); Inna Tsoraeva (Docent)
The G682 Quarries
Hongjuan Zhang (Student)
Story of a land
Tobias Kumkar (Student)
Women’s empowerment in pregnancy and childbirth
Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Patricia Leahy-Warren
The riverbed
Payam Baktash (Student); Negar Sanaan Bensi (Begeleider)