Pressure ulcer development in trauma patients with suspected spinal injury
Lisette Schoonhoven; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Luke Leenen; Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker)
Review article – The effects of clinical support surfaces on pressure as a risk factor in the development of pressure ulcers, from a radiographical perspective: a narrative literature review
Collé, Patricia; Lutjeboer, Sjors; Everton, C.; Bird, S.; Brito, W.; Franco, A.P.; Nodeland, K.; Rième, S.; Siddika, M.; Webb, J.; Angmorterh, S.
Experimental article – An experimental study to compare the interface pressure and experience of healthy participants when lying still for 20 minutes in a supine position on two different imaging surfaces
Collé, Patricia; Lutjeboer, Sjors; Everton, C.; Bird, S.; Brito, W.; Franco, A.P.; Nodeland, K.; Rième, S.; Siddika, M.; Webb, J.; Angmorterh, S.
Voedingssupplementen bij decubitus categorie 2, 3 en 4
Lisanne Meijerink; Kiki Fleming
Decubitus op de Intensive Care na gecontroleerde milde hypothermie
N. Wijnen; Mark van den Boogaard; P.A. Wijers-Holys; Els Verschuur; Marijn Gielen