Zocht je misschien: dilemma?
Applied Design Research in Living Labs and Other Experimental Learning and Innovation Environments
Peter Joore (Lector); Anja Overdiek (Lector); Wina` Smeenk (Lector); Koen van Turnhout (Lector)
Inclusive Dialogues: WokeBot Engaging Diversity Dilemmas
Mirjam de Haas (Onderzoeker); Veerle Hobbelink (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Smakman (Onderzoeker)
Understanding the Governing of Urban Commons
Meerkerk, Joachim (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken)
The Co-Design canvas 2023 (English)
Wina Smeenk (Lector)
Ethics of mortgage advisers in the Netherlands: professional attitudes and moral dilemmas
J.J. van Baardewijk
Understanding rebel nurse leadership-as-practice: Challenging and changing the status quo in hospitals
Eline de Kok; Lisette Schoonhoven; Pieterbas Lalleman (Lector); Annemarie Weggelaar-Jansen
Not all puppies and sunshine
Ophorst, C.S. (Docent); Aarts, N.; Bovenkerk, B.; Hopster, H.
How teachers handle differentiation dilemmas in the context of a school’s vision: A case study
Marijke van Vijfeijken; Tamara van Schilt-Mol; Linda van den Bergh; Ron Scholte; Eddie Denessen
Using A3 Architecture Overviews as an educational tool
Steven Haveman (Onderzoeker); Bauke Steenhuisen (Onderzoeker); G. Maarten Bonnema (Onderzoeker)
Partner choice and cooperation in social dilemmas can increase resource inequality
Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); Snijder, Luuk L.; Gross, Jörg; Hilbert, Leon P.; De Dreu, Carsten K. W.