Patient outcomes before and after implementation of a selective pre-hospital spinal immobilization protocol
Otto van de Breevaart (Onderzoeker); Nancy van de Waarden (Onderzoeker); Lisette Schoonhoven (Onderzoeker); Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker); Niels Schep (Onderzoeker)
Self-monitoring of physical activity after hospital discharge in patients who have undergone gastrointestinal or lung cancer surgery
de Leeuwerk, Marijke Elizabeth; Botjes, Martine; van Vliet, Vincent; Geleijn, Edwin; de Groot, Vincent; van Wegen, Erwin; van der Schaaf, Marike (Faculteit Gezondheid); Tuynman, Jurriaan; Dickhoff, Chris; van der Leeden, Marike
Emmylou Beekman (Lector); Sandra Lüttmann
Monitoring muscle mass using ultrasound
van Ruijven, Isabel M.; Stapel, Sandra N.; Molinger, Jeroen; Weijs, Peter J.M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Feasibility of emotion-regulating improvisational music therapy for young adult students with depressive symptoms
Sonja Aalbers (Lid Lectoraat); Annemieke Vink; Martina de Witte (Lid Lectoraat); Kim Pattiselanno; Marinus Spreen; Susan van Hooren (Lector)
Reinforcement Learning to send reminders at right moments in smartphone Exercise Application
Wang, Shihan; Sporrel, Karlijn; Hoof, Herke van; Simons, Monique; de Boer, Rémi D.D.; Ettema, Dick; Nibbeling, Nicky (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Deutekom, Marije; Kröse, Ben
The potential of mechanical textile recycling for post-consumer textiles.
Chevalier, M (Margot) (Student)
The Design and Development of a Personalized Leisure Time Physical Activity Application Based on Behavior Change Theories, End-User Perceptions, and Principles From Empirical Data Mining
Sporrel, Karlijn; De Boer, Rémi D. D.; Wang, Shihan; Nibbeling, Nicky (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Simons, Monique; Deutekom, Marije; Ettema, Dick; C. Castro, Paula; Zuniga Dourado, Victor; Kröse, Ben
Implementation of an interprofessional collaboration in practice program
Linda Smit (Lid Lectoraat); Jeroen Dikken; Nienke Molenaar; Marieke Schuurmans (Associate Lector); Niek de Wit; Nienke Bleijenberg (Lector)
Identifying goals, roles and tasks of extended scope physiotherapy in Dutch primary care- an exploratory, qualitative multi-step study
Ferdinand Bastiaens (Onderzoeker); Di-Janne Barten (Lid Lectoraat); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)