Experimental article – A balance between image quality and effective dose in orbital X-ray screening for ferromagnetic IOFBs: a pilot study
Abbas, Samara; Hart, Gabrielle; Jessop, Sarah; Santiago, Ana Rita; Markali, Benedicte; Cottier, Yann; Guerreiro, Joana; Andersen, Erik Normann; Momoniat, H.; Jorge, José; England, Andrew
Experimental article – Reducing effective dose to a paediatric phantom by using different combinations of kVp, mAs and additional filtration whilst maintaining image quality
Huizinga, Elsbeth; Schaake, Wouter (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Visser, Ruurd; Bloomfield, Charlotte; Boavida, Filipa; Chabloz, Diane; Crausaz, Emilie; Hustveit, Hanne; Knight, Heidi; Pereira, Anna; Harsaker, Vanja
Patients With Anorexia Nervosa Who Self-Injure: A Phenomenological Study
Suzanne Verschueren (Lid Lectoraat); Tamara Berends; Nienke Kool-Goudzwaard (Lid Lectoraat); Erwin van Huigenbosch (Lid Lectoraat); Claudia Gamel; Alexandra Dingemans; Annemarie van Elburg; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Analysing structural changes in multilayer mirrors after thermal loading
Maarten Bolhuis (Student); C.A. Swarts (Begeleider)
De Tweede Wereldoorlog en statusverwerving.
Jasper van Houten; M. Visser; W. Ultee
Insurance Employee Training in China
Ying Liang (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
How can the city of Maastricht profile itself as an expatriate destination through city and marketing communication?
Yanday Keppel (Student); M.J. Hernandez (Begeleider)
Transferring water from irrigation to higher valued uses: a case study of the Zhanghe irrigation system in China
Loeve, R. (City Net Zero); Dong, B.; Hong, L.; Chen, C. D.; Zhang, S.; Barker, R.
A pilot study of the Video Observations Aarts and Aarts (VOAA) a new software program to measure motor behaviour in children with cerebral palsy
Aarts, Pauline BM; Jongerius, Peter H; Aarts, Michel AG; Van Hartingsveldt, Margo J (Faculteit Gezondheid); Anderson, Patricia G; Beumer, Annechien
Positive expiratory pressure physiotherapy for airway clearance in people with cystic fibrosis
Elkins, M R; Jones, A; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)