Zocht je misschien: greenhouse?
Dutch horticultural opportunities in Poland
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Krystian H. Aldoori (Student)
Climate Control of a Greenhouse with Concentrating Solar Power System : International Conference on Agricultural Engineering
Pieter Sonneveld; Iwan van Bochove
Investigation the Advantages of CPV for Building Integrated PV : 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
Pieter Sonneveld; S. van der Craats; A.R. Sparemberger; J.V. Sahedi; Rik Catau
Vertical Temperature Gradients in the Semi-Closed Greenhouses: Occurrence and Effects
Prof. dr Olaf van Kooten (Lector)
Design of a NIR concentrator system integrated in a greenhouse
Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels; H.J.J. Janssen; Elisa van Tuijl
Exploring the economic feasibility of implementation of sustainable agrotourism project in Bergerden Agropark to attract greenhouse entrepreneurs for investment
Kamalipour, E. (Student); onbekend
Comparison of climate and production in closed, semi-closed and open greenhouses
T Qian; A. de Gelder; L.F.M. Marcelis; J.A. Dieleman; A. Ellings; Olaf van Kooten (Lector)
Energy performance of a concentrated photovoltaic energy system with static linear Fresnel lenses integrated in a greenhouse
Elisa van Tuijl; Pieter Sonneveld; J. van Campen; Gert-Jan Swinkels; H.J.J. Janssen; G. Bot
Feasibility study for combining cooling and high grade energy production in a solar greenhouse
G. Flamand; G. Bot; Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld
Design of a Solar Greenhouse with Energy Delivery by the Conversion of Near Infrared Radiation - Part 1 Optics and PV-cells
Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld; G. Bot