Online Kick-Off Ruimte Creëren voor Creatieve Ruimte
de Zwart, Bart; Kinderman, Jelte ; Richardson, Justin; Musch, Marcel
How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process
Gardt, Sersinho (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Satink, Rob
Digitale innovatie: het gat in het ERP en andere hiaten
A.J.C. van Kollenburg; C.J.M. Ridder; J.E. Pons
Improving term networks through the detection of semantic perspectives
Maya Sappelli (Onderzoeker); Hans Fugers; Bart Kleijngeld; Marijn Siebel (Onderzoeker)
Balancing Efficiency and Morale
Tudor Stoica (Student)
O. edulis broodstock conditioning report
Jur Bosschaart (Student); Natan Hoefnagel (Docent); Nienke Bakker (Begeleider)
Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
Mattijssen, Philippe; Johannes, Koos (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Identifying and managing paradoxes in Collaborative Sustainable Business Models: empirical evidence from circularity initiatives in high-tech manufacturing
F.T.H.M. Berkers; N. el Maanni; L. Liebrecht; E. Kersten
Pixel perfect performance
Mischa Gideonse (Student); Michiel Veen (Docent); Steven Hermans (Begeleider)