Optimal Dosing and Timing of High-Dose Corticosteroid Therapy in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19
Daenen, Katrijn; Huijben, Jilske A; Boyd, Anders; Bos, Lieuwe D J; Stoof, Sara C M; van Willigen, Hugo; Gommers, Diederik A M P J; Moeniralam, Hazra S; den Uil, Corstiaan A; Juffermans, Nicole P; Kant, Merijn; Valkenburg, Abraham J; Pillay, Janesh; van Meenen, David M P; Paulus, Frederique (Lectoraat Critical Care); Schultz, Marcus J; Dalm, Virgil A S H; van Gorp, Eric C M; Schinkel, Janke; Endeman, Henrik
The TeleTriageTeam, Offering Continuity of Personalized Care Through Telemedicine: Development and Evaluation
Janneau Claessens (Onderzoeker); Sigrid Mueller-Schotte (Onderzoeker); Jeannette van Weerden (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector); Saskia Imhof (Onderzoeker); Robert Wisse (Onderzoeker)
Blended Care in Patients With Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis in Physical Therapy: Delphi Study on Needs and Preconditions
Franziska Weber (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Angela Arntz (Onderzoeker); Christian Grüneberg (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Telerehabilitation Delivery in Canada and the Netherlands: Results of a Survey Study
Giesbrecht, Edward; Major, Mel E (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Fricke, Moni; Wener, Pamela; van Egmond, Maarten (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Aarden, Jesse J (Faculteit Gezondheid); Brown, Cara L; Pol, Margriet (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Activating Relatives to Get Involved in Care After Surgery: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study
Musters, Selma C W; Kreca, Sani; van Dieren, Susan; van der Wal-Huisman, Hanneke; Romijn, Johannes A; Chaboyer, Wendy; Nieveen van Dijkum, Els J M; Eskes, Anne M (Lectoraat Patiënt- En Familieparticipatie In De Klinische Zorg)
Prediction of COVID-19 Infections for Municipalities in the Netherlands
Tjeerd van der Ploeg (Lid Lectoraat); Robbert Gobbens (Lector)
Patient Perspectives on Using a Smartphone App to Support Home-Based Exercise During Physical Therapy Treatment: Qualitative Study
Remco Arensman; Corelien Kloek; Martijn Pisters (Lector); Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Raymond Ostelo; Cindy Veenhof
Just-in-Time prompts for running, walking, and performing strength exercises in the built environment: 4-Week randomized feasibility study
Sporrel, Karlijn; Wang, Shihan; Ettema, Dick D.F.; Nibbeling, Nicky (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, Ben J.A. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Deutekom, Marije; de Boer, Rémi D.D.; Simons, Monique
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
Brons, Annette; Braam, Katja; Broekema, Aline; Timmerman, Annieck; Millenaar, Karel; Engelbert, Raoul (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, Ben (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Bart (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Self-monitoring of physical activity after hospital discharge in patients who have undergone gastrointestinal or lung cancer surgery
de Leeuwerk, Marijke Elizabeth; Botjes, Martine; van Vliet, Vincent; Geleijn, Edwin; de Groot, Vincent; van Wegen, Erwin; van der Schaaf, Marike (Faculteit Gezondheid); Tuynman, Jurriaan; Dickhoff, Chris; van der Leeden, Marike