Congresverslag Traumasporen
Simona Karbouniaris (Lid Lectoraat)
The state of play of Maker education in the Netherlands - Introduction to the Research Papers
Peter Troxler (Lector); Remke Klapwijk
Smart Nursing Care
Groenendijk, G (Gideon) (Student)
An instruction video a day keeps the teacher away
Lindsey Schipper (Student); Petra Hendrikse (Begeleider); Sonja Stuber (Begeleider)
Myths and fallacies in the Groningen earthquake problem
Bal, Ihsan Engin
Reduction of cyanobacterial problems with Moringa oleifera
N.M.E. Hoenjet (Student); Jouke Heringa (Begeleider); M. Mucci (Begeleider); M. Lürling (Begeleider)
Applying Axiomatic design and Conceptual independence in the domain of IT systems.
Debbie Tarenskeen; René Bakker
Is further integration of the UNASUR possible when applying the three models of European integration?
Christina Dohmen (Student); Margriet Krijtenburg
Design the hydrofoil control system
Flip Wubben (Begeleider); M. Colon (Begeleider); H. Du (Student)
Project Class and Project Risks
Jasper Zwart (Student); L. Rodenburg (Begeleider)