In situ mapping of pollutants in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, a new methodology approach and preliminary results from the Netherlands
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri; Roest, Allard
Performance of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Development of an Assessment Platform Based on Charging Data
Maase, Simone (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie); Dilrosun, Xiomara (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Kooi, Martijn; van den Hoed, Robert
A knowledge community for lake Grevelingen
Nadine Smits (Student); Liliane Geerling (Begeleider); Herman Haas (Begeleider); Thijs Poortvliet (Begeleider)
Professionals alike and unlike
M.T.A. (Max) Aangenendt (Lid Lectoraat); Geert Neelen (Lid Lectoraat); Piet Willems (Onderzoeker); Ilona Lavèn (Stafmedewerker)
Flood model Bergen Norway and the need for (sub-)surface innovations for eXtreme Climatic EventS (INXCES)
Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; Bosscher, Michael; Schoof, Govert
Gaining insight into the effects
Michiel Steeman (Lector); Christiaan de Goeij (Onderzoeker); Paulien de Graaf-Muller (Docent)
Applying formal design methods to serious game design
Bril, Ivo; Degens, Nick
Organizational Innovation and its Facilitators: A brief overview of work in progress
Dr. Paul Breman (Lector); M. Oteman; M. Makowski; B.M.E. de Waal; I. Hollaender; E. Hijmans; Astrid Bolland (Lid Lectoraat)
Hidden talents: mapping innovations and knowledge management competencies in the sunflower value chain in Lira District, Uganda
Oremo, M. (Student); Koucher, A.
Bridging the gap between technological possibilities and the people : the case of citrus farming Makueni District, Kenya.
Kamula, J.M. (Student); Moor, I. de