Zocht je misschien: limiting?
Catwalk - forces of nature
Lutjes, LS (Lotte) (Student)
Dementia Enlightened?!
Ingrid Goudriaan (Onderzoeker); Leonieke C . van Boekel (Onderzoeker); Marjolein E.A. Verbiest (Onderzoeker); Joost van Hoof (Lector); Katrien G. Luijkx (Onderzoeker)
Personal lighting conditions of office workers: An exploratory field study
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Aarts (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Exploring the relationship between light and subjective alertness using personal lighting conditions
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Aarts (Onderzoeker); Edwin van den Heuvel (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education
Henk W. Brink; Marcel Loomans; Mark Mobach; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
The impact of visually realistic weather system on the effectiveness of virtual reality training
Leka, A (Admir) (Student)
Systematic review on the interaction between office light conditions and occupational health: Elucidating gaps and methodological issues
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven; Mariëlle Aarts; Myriam Aries; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Personal Lighting Conditions to Obtain More Evidence in Light Effect Studies
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven; Mats Burgmans; Mariëlle Aarts; Alexander Rosemann; Helianthe Kort (Lector)