The comprehensive approach and the problem of exiting civil military cooperation
Peter Olsthoorn; Myriame Bollen; Ernst Lobbezoo; Sebastiaan Rietjens
Respect and responsibility
Michelle Schut; René Moelker
Shifting of Turkish foreign policy
Esra Polat (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Trust and control in the military
M.P. Bogers; Andrea van Dijk; J.J.D. Heeren-Bogers
Self separation support for unmanned aircraft systems
J. Tadema; E. Theunissen
Nederlandse forten komen tot leven! : onderzoek rondom functieveranderingen van forten
Eikelboom, J. (Student); Graaf, A. van der (Student); Schotanus, M. (Student); Vlug, J.; Reesink, T.; Smolenaers, H.
Partner in development
Michiel de Weger
Police reform
J.L. Hovens
Strange bedfellows
D.J. Winslow
On the conditions for CIMIC during humanitarian operations
M.T.I.B. Bollen; R.J.M. Beeres