Zocht je misschien: modelling, modellen, statistische, statistics?
No Fairness without Awareness
T. C. (Theo) Bakker (Lector)
Modellenboek of zelf aandragen?
Siete Sirag (Begeleider); Mitchel van Eeden (Begeleider); Melanie Driedonkx (Student)
Exploring the success of an integrated primary care partnership
Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc)); Vrijhoef, Hubertus J M; Ruwaard, Dirk; de Bont, Antoinette; Arends, Rosa Y; Bruijnzeels, Marc A
Can muscle soreness after intensive work-related activities be predicted?
Soer, Remko; Geertzen, Jan H B; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Groothoff, Johan W; Reneman, Michiel F
Variation of voice quality features and aspects of voice training in males and females.
Sulter, Arend (Centre Of Expertise Healthy Ageing)