Military families and war in the 21st century
René Moelker; M. D. Andres; Gary Bowen; Philippe Manigart
Thuisfrontcheck meta-analyse
C. Ernsten; René Moelker; M. D. Andres
Kruispunt of gescheiden wegen?
S.M.E. van der Heijden - Geerts (Begeleider); Elise Moelker (Student)
A longitudinal study of partners of deployed personnel from the Netherlands’ Armed Forces
M. D. Andres; René Moelker; J.M.L.M. Soeters
Moral responsibility & military effectiveness
H. Amersfoort; René Moelker; J.M.L.M. Soeters; D.E.M. Verweij
Respect and responsibility
Michelle Schut; René Moelker
The work-family interface and turnover intentions over the course of project-oriented assignments abroad
M. D. Andres; René Moelker; J.M.L.M. Soeters
Digital duels in the global public sphere
J.S. van der Meulen; René Moelker
There and back again
M. D. Andres; René Moelker
Parents’ voice
M. D. Andres; René Moelker