Comparing conventional and modified Seldinger techniques using a micro-insertion kit for PICC placement in neonates: a retrospective cohort study
Matheus van Rens; Kevin Hugill; Robin van der Lee; Airene Francia; Fredericuis van Loon; Mohammad Bayoumi
The impact of a notched peripheral intravenous catheter on the first attempt success rate in hospitalized adults: Block-randomized trial
Fredericus van Loon; Ricky Timmerman; Geert den Brok; Erik Korsten; Angelique Dierick-van Daele (Lector); Arthur Bouwman
Acoustic lens improves superficial in-plane ultrasound-guided procedures
Harm Scholten; Yomi Hoever; Fredericus van Loon; Elke Kanters; Tamara Hoveling; Marco de Wild; R. Arthur Bouwman; Erik Korsten
Mammal distribution in Cleopatra’s Needle Critical habitat
Leeuwen, B. van (Student)
Mapping current and future human uses and their spatial conflicts on the southern North Sea
Seldenrath, A. (Student); Vries, M. de (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Needle, M.
Het identificeren van natuurherstel kansen aan de Nederlandse Waddenkust
Schilling, B. (Student); Geurts, P. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Needle, M.
Registration of somatosensory evoked potentials in the lumbar and lower thoracic spine using high-density surface electromyography
Ruud Koster (Student); Aad Lagerberg; Daphne Wezenberg
The Matchmaker Exchange
Anthony A. Philippakis (Onderzoeker); Danielle R. Azzariti (Onderzoeker); Sergi Beltran (Onderzoeker); Peter Taschner (Lector)
Using the influence of media to positively contribute to baby boomer’s and generation x’s perception of millennials with visible body art in the netherlands to encourage positive intergenerational collaborations
Thelea Terborg (Student); Renée Coers (Begeleider)
µPlasma printing of hydrophobic and hydrophilic patterns to improve wetting behaviour for printed electronics
ir.M.H.A. van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat); E. Nieuwenhuis (Student); L. Verbraeken (Student); ir. R.O.F. Verkuijlen (Lid Lectoraat); dr. J.P.C. Bernards (Lector)