Getting away with exit
Han Bouwmeester
Two ways of leaving
Sander Dalenberg; Marenne Mei Jansen
Introduction. The dilemma of leaving
J.E. Nöll; D. van Wollenberg; G. Frerks
From entrapment to indifference?
F.H. Baudet
The comprehensive approach and the problem of exiting civil military cooperation
Peter Olsthoorn; Myriame Bollen; Ernst Lobbezoo; Sebastiaan Rietjens
"Right intent"
D.E.M. Verweij; D.E.M. Verweij
The paradox of leaving
H. Amersfoort; F.H. Baudet; H. de Jong; M.A.G. de Jong; W. Klinkert
Power denied?
J.E. Nöll; M.G.D. Rothman
De Nederlandse krijgsmacht en 9/11
E.J. de Waard; J.E. Nöll