Analysis of radiation exposure data from common radiological procedures in Dutch hospitals
Bijwaard, H; de Vries, G; de Waard-Schalkx, I; van Welie, F; Haarmans-Jonkman, Sharon; Erenstein, H (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Scheurleer, J; Roding, T; Middendorp, I V; van der Ploeg, T
Comparative effectiveness of international osteoarthritis management program clinical cohorts: a project of the oarsi joint effort initiative in collaboration with the OA trial bank
Eyles, J.P.; Hunter, D.J.; Abbott, A.; Abbott, J.H.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Dahlberg, L.; Dziedzic, K.; Holden, M.; Holm, I.; Healey, E.; Hurley, M.; Jönsson, T.; Svensson, G. Limbäck; Nero, H.; O'Donnell, J.; Riley, R.; Risberg, M.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); van Middelkoop, M.; Bowden, J.L.
Exploring the psychometric properties of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care measurement tool for care providers in Australia
Fares, Julian; Chung, Kon Shing Kenneth; Passey, Megan; Longman, Jo; Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Computational modelling of damage accumulation in unreinforced masonry Dutch constructions subjected to induced seismicity
Dais, Dimitrios; Bal, Ihsan Engin; Smyrou, Eleni
Evaluation of modelling strategies for estimating cumulative damage on Groningen masonry buildings due to recursive induced earthquakes
Sarhosis, Vasilis; Dais, Dimitrios; Smyrou, Eleni; Bal, Ihsan Engin
De totstandkoming van meetinstrumenten van empowerment onder de loep. Instrumentontwikkeling volgens de kwaliteitsstandaarden, een kritische beschouwing
Thomas Noordink; Lisbeth Verharen; R. Schalk; T. van Regenmortel
Revised approach to the role of fatigue in anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention
Benjaminse, Anne; Gokeler, Alli; Webster, Kate; Kimp, Alexander; Meijer, Michelle
A model of low-velocity impact damage assessment of laminated composite structures
Stamoulis, Konstantinos P. (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Georgantzinos, Stylianos K.; Giannopoulos, Georgios I.
A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
P. Ester; A.A. Román
A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
Ester, Peter; Roman, Amélia (Amsib (Cedis))