Zocht je misschien: observaties?
Lessons learned from 10 years of wind tunnel tests on small wind turbines designed by students
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Adema, Niels (Wind Energy); Lipian, M; Kulak, M; Shahid, A; Best, A; Bendre, T; Gallicchio, I; Elsabbagh, A; Mostafa, A; Kim, T; Mikkelsen, R; Gaunnaa, M; Teuwen, J.J.E.; Rudolf, R.T.; Wood, D; Holierhoek, J.G.
Product safety and liability soft textile toys
Manik, N (Nusrat) (Student)
Promoting public playgrounds usage and children's physical activity with sports activities
Bliekendaal, S.; Nauta, J. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Insights from a 31-year study demonstrate an inverse correlation between recreational activities and red deer fecundity, with bodyweight as a mediator
Weterings, M.J.A. (Lid Lectoraat); Ebbinge, E.Y.C. (Student); Strijker, B.N. (Student); Spek, G.J.; Kuipers, H.J. (Lid Lectoraat)
How do teachers in vocational and higher education nudge their students? A qualitative study
R.J. Weijers; B.B. de Koning; E.B. Klatter; F. Paas
What need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behaviors do university teachers use in their honors classes?
Tineke Kingma (Phd); Anneke Smits (Begeleider); Debbie Jaarsma (Begeleider); Joke Voogt (Begeleider)
A practical treatment of sensitivity analyses in activity level evaluations
Taylor, Duncan; Kokshoorn, Bas (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Champod, Christophe
Integrating data, knowledge, and expertise for policy advice: understanding the practices of Dutch organized crime control professionals
Wybren van Rij (Onderzoeker); Rianne Dekker (Onderzoeker); Albert Meijer (Onderzoeker)
Promoting public playgrounds usage and children’s physical activity with sports activities
Bliekendaal, S. (Onderzoeker); Nauta, J.
Automated recording of cow brush visits in a commercial dairy farm setting
Hofstra, G. (Lid Lectoraat); Donkers; Houlebert; Terlien, M.T.J. (Lid Lectoraat); Roelofs, J.B.; Erp-van der Kooij, E. van (Lector)