Een nieuw communicatiemiddel voor Stichting LombokCare
Pleun Usman (Student); Arthur Blok (Begeleider)
Resultaten in ontwikkeling, een simplistische voorstelling van zaken
Jeanneke Tellegen-Willems (Lid Lectoraat)
The dilemma of development aid in conflict areas in Afghanistan
Simonides, E.J. (Student); Glas, J.E.
Assessing factors influencing staffs’s susceptibility to HIV: a case of Pastoral Affairs Bureau and Pastoral Community Development Project, Southern Ethiopia
Tsegaye Wolanna, A. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
Exploring gender practices in projects and organizations
Rizopulos, M. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Adaptation of development organisations to the changing needs of new clientele in the context of HIV and AIDS pandemic : a case study of Heifer Project International, Cameroon support to people living with HIV and AIDS support groups
Agwa, T.C. (Student); Grijpma, L.; Kingma, J.T.
Towards a model of ADP staff for multisectoral response at community level : the case of World Vision Tanzania
Mwambene, B.A. (Student); Kingma, K.
“Looking behind the scene” : opportunities and challenges of a partnership approach : the case of the "income generating activities project", Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Akyoo, E.P. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.
Jatropha: een brandstof als banenmotor
Dennis Huisintveld (Student)