The comparative analysis of clay for dikes
Anthony Osuji (Student); Christophe Egyed (Docent); Hendrik Meuwese (Begeleider)
Evaluation of natural jute fibre nets and their potential to improve the flexural strength of geopolymer concrete
Ivet Todorova (Student); Tina Suvorov (Docent); Sai Divi (Docent); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Begeleider)
Techno-Economic Assessment of Battery Systems for PV-Equipped Households with Dynamic Contracts:
Dam, Marion (System Integration In The Energy Transition); van der Laan, Marten (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
Community and Competition: Battle or Boost?: a scoping review in the context of honors education: (Poster presentation)
Kragten, Leontien; Langeloo, Annegien
Building a data-driven infrastructure
R.F. van der Willigen; Quan Zhu
Expectations and Experiences of Participating in a Supervised and Home-Based Physical Exercise Intervention in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer during Chemoradiotherapy
Kok, Annemieke; Passchier, Ellen; May, Anne M; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Veenhof, Cindy; de Bree, Remco; Stuiver, Martijn M; Speksnijder, Caroline M
Dynamic Weather System inside Unreal Engine 4.
Ani, T (Tudor) (Student)
Collaboration between Speech and Language Therapists and Parents of Children with Developmental Language Disorders
Inge Klatte (Onderzoeker)
The OPTImal MAtch between child and wheelchair (OPTIMA 1.0)
van Dijk, Koen (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Dirks, Wiek; Sol, Marleen; Berger, Monique; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); van Dongen, Hanneke; Valent, Linda; Willems, Marike; Marije, Schuijtemaker
“Your brain can’t wait”
Gmelig Meyling, Christiaan; Verschuren, Olaf; Rentinck, Ingrid C.M.; van Driel, Dimara; te Slaa, Esmée; Engelbert, Raoul H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Gorter, Jan Willem