Using a behavior change toolkit in pediatric physical therapy to support physical activity
Marleen E. Sol (Onderzoeker); Elles M.W. Kotte (Onderzoeker); Eline A.M. Bolster (Onderzoeker); Sander Hermsen (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Stefan Elbers (Onderzoeker); Margreet Sanders (Onderzoeker); Manon A.T. Bloemen (Onderzoeker)
Instructions for Administering the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure with Children Themselves
Verkerk, Gijs; van der Molen-Meulmeester, Lisanne (Faculteit Gezondheid); van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Alsem, Mattijs
Cross-Cultural Validity: Canadian Norm Values of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale Evaluated for Dutch Infants
Imke Suir (Lid Lectoraat); Marike Boonzaaijer (Lid Lectoraat); Petra Nijmolen; Paul Westers; Jacqueline Nuysink (Lid Lectoraat)
Concurrent Validity Between Live and Home Video Observations Using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale
Marike Boonzaaijer (Lid Lectoraat); Dam van Ellen; Ingrid C. van Haastert; Jacqueline Nuysink (Lid Lectoraat)
Gamification in physical therapy: more than using games
Joep Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Olaf Verschuren (Onderzoeker); Willem Jan Renger (Onderzoeker); José Ermers (Onderzoeker); Marjolijn Ketelaar (Onderzoeker); Raymond van Ee (Onderzoeker)
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Children and Adolescents With Dystrophinopathies
Bart Bartels; Tim Takken; Christian A. Blank; Huib van Moorsel (Lid Lectoraat); Ludo van der Pol; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat)
Healthy active living in youth with neuromotor disability (HALYNeD) Project: a translational project with researchers, pediatric physical therapists, and patients working toegether toward evidence-based exercise prescription
Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); A. Overvelde
Motor Performance in Children with Generalized Hypermobility: The Influence of Muscle Strength and Exercise Capacity
Hanewinkel-van Kleef, Yvonne B.; Helders, Paul J.M.; Takken, Tim; Engelbert, Raoul H.