Body, mind and wearables
Breuer, Rebecca Louise (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Lean in the Classroom
Vincent Wiegel
Media Do Not Exist
Larrue, Jean-Marc; Vitali-Rosati, Marcello
Using student generated video to link theory and practice on the ‘Levensbeschouwing’ minor
Pieter Swager (Onderzoeker); Zac Woolfitt (Onderzoeker)
Wearable Tactile Technology and the Felt-Body, a Paradigm Shift
Breuer, Rebecca Louise (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Inbetween and immediate
Breuer, Rebecca Louise (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Philosophy of Technology x Design
Eggink, W (Wouter) (Researcher); Dorrestijn, S (Steven) (Lector)
From “things of imitation” to “devices of differentiation”
Maldini, Irene; Manz, Ragna Luciana
Consciousness without Bodies
Bjorn Beijnon (Onderzoeker)
For a philosophy of technology in China
Lovink, G.W. (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)