Focus group study on mechanical in- exsufflation in invasively ventilated intensive care patients
Stilma, W. (Faculteit Gezondheid)
Effects of the application of a checklist during trauma resuscitations on ATLS adherence, team performance, and patient-related outcomes: a systematic review
Oscar van Maarseveen (Onderzoeker); Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker); Nils van de Ven (Onderzoeker); Tim Saris (Onderzoeker); Luke Leenen (Onderzoeker)
Long-term swallowing, trismus, and speech outcomes after combined chemoradiotherapy and preventive rehabilitation for head and neck cancer; 10-year plus update
Karsten, Rebecca T.; van der Molen, Lisette; Hamming-Vrieze, Olga; van Son, RobJ. J. J. H.; Hilgers, Frans J. M.; van den Brekel, Michiel W. M.; Stuiver, Martijn M (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Smeele, Ludi E.
Pantoprazole in Patients at Risk for Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the ICU
SUP-ICU trial group
The effect of a daily application of a 0.05% chlorhexidine oral rinse solution on the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents: a multicenter study
Vanessa Hollaar; GJ van der Putten; C van der Maarel-Wierink; E.M. Bronkhorst; B de Swart; C Creugers
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia, dysphagia and associated diseases in nursing home residents: A retrospective, cross-sectional study
Vanessa Hollaar; GJ van der Putten; CD Van der Maarel -Wierink; E.M. Bronkhorst; Bert de Swart; C de Baat; N.H.J. Creugers
Changes in the in-hospital mortality and 30-day post-discharge mortality in acutely admitted older patients: retrospective observational study
van Rijn, Marjon; Buurman, Bianca M.; Macneil Vroomen, Janet L.; Suijker, Jacqueline J.; ter Riet, Gerben (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Moll van Charante, Eric P.; de Rooij, Sophia E.
Defining characteristics and risk indicators for diagnosing nursing home-acquired pneumonia and aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents, using the electronically-modified Delphi Method
Vanessa Hollaar; C van der Maarel-Wierink; GJ van der Putten; W van der Sanden; B de Swart; C de Baat
Circular Business Models
Jan Kenter (Begeleider); Maurice van den Oever (Student); Sander Brinkman (Begeleider)
Effect of daily application of a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution on the incidence of (aspiration) pneumonia in care home residents: design of a multicentre cluster randomised controlled clinical trial.
Vanessa Hollaar; C van der Maarel-Wierink; GJ van der Putten; B de Swart; C de Baat