Learning experiences from ECEC professionals during an international field visit
Fukkink, Ruben Georges (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Egert, Franziska
Differentiating instruction: Understanding the key elements for successful teacher preparation and development
Langelaan, Berber N. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Gaikhorst, Lisa; Smets, Wouter; Oostdam, Ron J. (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie)
Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program
van Gameren, Maaike; Voorn, Paul B. (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Bosmans, Judith E.; Visser, Bart (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Frazer, Sanne W. T.; Pijnappels, Mirjam; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie)
Reframing Communication about Fall Prevention Programs to Increase Older Adults’ Intentions to Participate
Meike van Scherpenseel (Onderzoeker); Lidia van Veenendaal (Onderzoeker); Saskia te Velde (Onderzoeker); Elise Volk (Onderzoeker); Di-Janne Barten (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Mariëlle Emmelot-Vonk (Onderzoeker); Amber Ronteltap (Onderzoeker)
Academic capital formation upon the transition to higher education
Bas Agricola (Onderzoeker); Fiona Veraa (Onderzoeker); Mieke van Diepen (Onderzoeker); Louise Elffers (Onderzoeker)
Teachers’ use of inquiry and language scaffolding questions when preparing an experiment
Anne Bergliot Oyehaug (Onderzoeker); Maria Kouns (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector)
A Framework for Sustainable and Autonomous Airside Operation Benchmarking
Sunaryo, Erlangga Rudy; Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya
Citizen Science for Health: An International Survey on Its Characteristics and Enabling Factors
Remmers, Gaston; Tzovaras, Bastian Greshake; Albert, Alexandra; Van Laer, Jef; Wildevuur, Sabine; De Groot, Martijn; Broeder, Lea den (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Bonhoure, Isabelle; Magalhães, Joana; Assens, Sara Mas; Torrents, Enric García; Imre, Baris; Covernton, Eugenia
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning: evaluating a teacher professional development program in primary education
P.H.M. Sins; R. de Leeuw; J. de Brouwer; E. Vrieling-Teunter
Promoting explicit instruction of strategies for self-regulated learning
Brouwer, (Jaap) (Onderzoeker); Vrieling, (Emmy) (Extern); Sins, (Patrick) (Extern); Leeuw, (Renske) de (Onderzoeker)