Conversion of a Xylose-rich Stream from Biomass-biorefining into Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) by Schlegelella thermodepolymerans
Krooneman, Janneke; Bertran Llorens, Salvador; Zhou, Wen; Palazzolo, Martin A.; Colpa, Dana; Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem; Deuss, Peter
Minor Circular Cities: Mission Zero Waste Amsterdam
Rueda Raya, Sara; Tolentino-Zondervan, Frazen (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Allendes, Pablo J.
Circulair verwerken afval
Driel, P. van (Student); Groot, D.J.
Simulating waste separation policies for the circular economy
Lange, Kasper (City Net Zero); Kerssens, Sabine; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Warnier, Martijn
Insight into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from xylose and extracellular PHA degradation by a thermophilic Schlegelella thermodepolymerans
Zhou, Wen; Colpa, Dana; Permentier, Hjalmar; Offringa, Ruben Ate; Rohrbach, Leon; Euverink, Gert Jan Willem; Krooneman, Janneke
Research Challenges In City Logistics For Circular Supply Chains Of E-Waste
Lemiski, David; Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Hybride Hergebruik Kunststoffen : RAAK-MKB-project in combinatie met RegioDeal Overijssel
A. ten Busschen (Associate Lector); M.D.C. Topp (Lector); P. Schreuder (Lid Lectoraat); Hermans, K. (Lid Lectoraat)
Circular Moonshot: Understanding Shifts in Organizational Field Logics and Business Model Innovation
DiVito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); Leitheiser, Erin; Piller, Charlotte
Metal Detection in Waste Wood
El Oufi, Walid; Bos, Gaspard; Schoen, Tony (Digital Product Research Group); Malé-Alemany, Marta (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen)