Zocht je misschien: residual?
Isomalto/malto-polysaccharide, a novel soluble dietary fiber made via enzymatic conversion of starch
Leemhuis, Hans; Dobruchowska, Justyna M.; Ebbelaar, Monique; Faber, Folkert (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Buwalda, Pieter L.; van der Maarel, Marc J. E. C.; Kamerling, Johannis P.; Dijkhuizen, Lubbert
umc, radboud; Fleuren, Wilco W M; Verhoeven, Stefan; van den Beld, Sven; Alkema, Wynand (Data Science For Life Science & Health); de Vlieg, Jacob; Klomp, Jan P G
Saturation mutagenesis reveals the importance of residues alphaR145 and alphaF146 of penicillin acylase in the synthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics
Jager, Simon A W; Shapovalova, Irina V; Jekel, Peter A; Alkema, Wynand B L (Data Science For Life Science & Health); Svedas, Vytas K; Janssen, Dick B