Checklist elektrische rolstoel
Shania Parkinson (Student); Lies Peeters (Student); Elske Pijnacker (Student); Kyra Rijsdijk (Student)
Multifaceted interventions are required to improve physical activity behaviour in hospital care: a meta-ethnographic synthesis of qualitative research
N. Koenders; L Marcellis; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Ton Satink; Th. Hoogeboom
Experiences of patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy with facial weakness: a qualitative study
S Sezer; E.H.C. Cup; LM Roets-Merken; A Lanser; I Siemann; JG Weikamp; K Mul; BG van Engelen; Ton Satink; NC Voermans
How chronic pain changes a person's life story in relation to participation in occupational roles: A narrative exploration
P Strub; Ton Satink; BE Gantschnig
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: a practical tool
J Dekker; V. de Groot; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J. Holla; E. Collette; Ton Satink; L. Post; S. Doodeman; E. Littooij
Mixed methods evaluation of a self-management group programme for patients with neuromuscular disease and chronic fatigue
Y Veenhuizen; Ton Satink; Maud Graff; A.C.H. Geurts; JT Groothuis; B.G.M. van Engelen; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; E.H.C. Cup
Setting meaningful goals in rehabilitation: A qualitative study on the experiences of clients and clinicians in working with a practical tool
E. Littooij; S. Doodeman; J. Holla; M. Ouwerkerk; L. Post; Ton Satink; A.M. ter Steeg; J. Vloothuis; J Dekker; v. de Groot
Aanbod van dagelijkse welzijnsactiviteiten voor mensen met een ‘Niet-Aangeboren Hersenletsel’
Senna van Dijk (Student); Evy Hattink (Student); Renée Verstijnen (Student); Ian Wagemans (Student); Ton Satink (Begeleider)
Fleur Augustinus (Student); Lisa van Mierlo (Student); Gemma van der Woude (Student); L.M.P. Havens (Begeleider)
Meet and eat, an interdisciplinary group intervention for patients with myotonic dystrophy about healthy nutrition, meal preparation, and consumption: a feasibility study
Suzanne van Hees; S. Knuijt; H Dicke; JT Groothuis; J Raaphorst; Ton Satink; Edith Cup