Zocht je misschien: sensortechnology?
Co-operative design of a coach dashboard for training monitoring and feedback
Jos Goudsmit; Ruby Otter; Inge Stoter; Berry van Holland; Stephan van der Zwaard; Johan de Jong; Steven Vos
Co-Operative Design of a Coach Dashboard for Training Monitoring and Feedback
Goudsmit, Jos; Otter-Drost, Ruby Tina Ardi (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Stoter, Inge; van Holland, Berry (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); van der Zwaard, Stephan; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Vos, Steven
Monitoring NZEB dwellings in the Netherlands
Rovers, TJH (Twan) (Onderzoeker); Guerra-Santin, (Olivia ) (Extern); Itard, ( Laure ) (Extern)
Developing an international research of health-care ICT applied for rehabilitation and daily living support between Japan and the Netherlands
Bontje, Peter; Kruijne, Robbert; Pol, Margriet (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Inoue, Kaoru; Kobayashi, Ryuji; Ito, Yuko; Van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving)
Diagonal tensile tests on historical brick masonry wallets strengthened with fabric reinforced cementitious mortar
Bal, Ihsan Engin (Earthquake Resistant Structures); Ilki, Alper; Balci, Irem A.; Ispir, Medine; Mezrea, Pelin E.
Eindrapportage 3AM project
van Elburg, Ronald; Bruining, Joke; Stalpers-Croeze, Igor
Eindrapport Voicemint Project
Bruining, Joke; van der Houwen, Ward
Eindrapport SD 24/7 project
Bruining, Joke; Dol, Aranka (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Keuning, Wouter; Froehlich, Thomas
Eindrapport Weedlaser project
Bultje, Rene; Maneschijn, Gert; Bruining, Joke
Handleiding Business model development voor innovatieve technologie
Smit, Annet Jantien; Bruining, Joke