Growing the South China Tigers in Hong Kong
Pratt, Robert Tobias (Student); Madokwenyu, Pachena; Powell, Claire
Passionate about the sport, dedicated to the club?
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Roger Leenders
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Docent)
Virtual community building in organized sports in the Netherlands
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Roger Leenders
Running apparel consumption explained
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
How to motivate volunteers
Maren Strieth; Amber Herrewijn
The transition to adulthood: a game changer? A longitudinal analysis of the impact of major life events on sport participation
Jasper van Houten; G. Kraaykamp; B. Pelzer
Virtual family, gap keepers, toolbox and online club
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Ronald Leenders
Characteristics of insufficiently active participants that benefit from healthenhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion programs implemented in the sports club setting
Linda Ooms; Chantal Leemrijse; Dorine Collard; Nicolette Schipper-van Velthoven; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
The determinants and income elasticities of direct and indirect sports expenditure categories
Erik Thibaut; John Eakins; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder