What is important in eHealth interventions for stroke rehabilitation?
Manon M. Wentink (Onderzoeker); Leti van Bodegom-Vos; Berber Brouns (Lid Lectoraat); Henk J. Arwert (Onderzoeker); Thea Vliet Vlieland (Onderzoeker); A.J. (Arend) de Kloet (Lector); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Onderzoeker)
Traditional and augmented reality mirror therapy for patients with chronic phantom limb pain (PACT study)
Andreas Rothgangel (Lid Lectoraat); Susy Braun (Lector); Bjorn Winkens; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Rob Smeets
Design and development of a telerehabilitation platform for patients with phantom limb pain
Anna Beurskens (Lector); Andreas Rothgangel (Lid Lectoraat); Rob Smeets; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat)
The PACT trial: PAtient Centered Telerehabilitation
Ralf Joachim Schulz; Matthias Kraemer; Anna Beurskens; Susy Braun; Andreas Rothgangel; Luc de Witte; Rob Johannes Smeets