Zocht je misschien: toerusting, treating?
Active Ingredients and Mechanisms of Change in Motivational Interviewing for Medication Adherence
Jos Dobber (Onderzoeker); Corine Latour; prof. dr. B.K.G. Berno van Meijel (Lector); Gerben ter Riet; Emile Barkhof; Ron Peters; Wilma Scholte op Reimer; Lieuwe de Haan
Challenging Parental Behaviour in School
Isabel Drexel; Harry Vissinga; Douwe Jan Douwes
New Dutch Legislation and Preventive Coercive Home Health Care for Excessive Alcohol Consumers
van den Hooff, Susanne
Insights in the way safety can be improved for transgender asylum seekers: a study focused on increasing safety for transgender people in asylum seekers centres, which could lead to a better well-being of the target group
van der Wal, Marte (Student); Gunduz, M.
Personal Lighting Conditions to Obtain More Evidence in Light Effect Studies
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven; Mats Burgmans; Mariëlle Aarts; Alexander Rosemann; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Motivational Interviewing and Shared Decision Making for the Medically Complex Patient and Family Caregiver
Dobber, Jos; Latour, Corine; Fraser, Kathleen; Perez, Rebecca; Latour, Corine
Using the Obser-View in Qualitative Research
Linda Kragelund; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Ezra van Zadelhoff (Lid Lectoraat)