ARIA Research Seminar. Convergence
Martinez Caram, Agustin
Developing a 360° built-environment assessment for urban research and planning practice
Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Schramkó, Sába (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie)
Design framework for neighbourhood resilience
Schramkó, Sába (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Boon, Boudewijn; Gualtieri, Giulia; de Waal, Martijn (Lectoraat Civic Interaction Design); Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Andaloro, Bianca
Remy Jungerman
Parry, G.B. (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur); Landvreugd, Charl; Perrée, Rob
Afstudeeropdracht Twente Milieu N.V.
Ponten, D (Dide) (Student)
It's hard to predict, especially the future!
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Young Professional Semester Portfolio - Micro Wedding Packages for Millennial Couples in the Netherlands
Pham, HQ (Quynh) (Student)
The meaning of inclusion according to children with a disability, parents and sport professionals (ISAPA, 2021)
Vera Dekkers (Lid Lectoraat); Afke Kerkstra (Lid Lectoraat)
Understanding the relationship between fruit colour and primate vision requires multiple lines of evidence
Onstein, R.E.; Vink, D.; Veen, J.; Barratt, C.D.; Flantua, S.G.A.; Wich, S.A.; Kissling, W.D.
Being There Live: An Ethnographic Approach for Studying Social Media Use in Mediatized Live Events
Hammelburg, Esther (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))