Tree use in Gulu, Uganda : research about the tree-use of the local people of Gulu District
Derksen, S. (Student); Hettema, A.
Technical and commercial feasibility study for Accoya wood in Dutch civil waterworks constructions
Bartels, T. (Student); Riel, S. van; Olsthoorn, A.
Chinese wood products for the European Market: is it financially viable?
Vissers, J. (Student); Meer, P. van der; Chao, Z.; Hoonte, M. ten; Busstra, B.
Houtige biomassa op landgoederen : onderzoekscase naar het beheer en de kosten van houtige biomassa
Breukelen, C. van (Student); Hartog, M. den (Student); Meijers, R.; Olsthoorn, A.
"How to deal with opportunities?" : a research on requirements to successfully introduce lesser known timber species on the western (Dutch) timber market
Bakker, B. (Student); Raggers, J.; Benthem, M. van
Sustainable certified oak flooring : "a research about the possibilities for Hout Industrie Schijndel of sustainable certifying their oak flooring"
Dinther, B. van (Student); Raggers, J.
Sustainable certified oak flooring : "a research about the possibilities for Hout Industrie Schijndel of sustainable certifying their oak flooring"
Dinther, B. van (Student); Jansen, J.; Jongh, J. de
Timber frame and its connection to environmental sustainability : is there a future for timber frame if we look at the environmental sustainability?
Hartman, E.I.M. (Student); Raggers, J.; Munck, E. de