Health in Adapted Youth Sports Study (HAYS): health effects of sports participation in children and adolescents with a chronic disease or physical disability
Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Frank Backx; Anne Visser‑Meily; Tim Takken; Olaf Verschuren; Karin van der Ende-Kastelijn (Lid Lectoraat); Kristel Lankhorst (Lid Lectoraat); Maremka Zwinkels
The road to independence: Lived experiences of youth with chronic conditions and their parents compared
Dr. S.R. Hilberink (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. A.L. van Staa (Lector); MSc M.A.C. Peeters (Lid Lectoraat)
14th International Mental Health Conference
Korevaar, L.