Zaden en pollen bij kasteel Noortwijck
Bussemaker, B (Bettina) (Student)
Mono- en oligoflavanolen bij mensen met Diabetes Mellitus type 2 gecompliceerd door microalbuminurie
Marieke de Reus (Student); Sanne Borckink
Kruidenrijke zaadmengsels
Immerzeel, M. (Student); Loon, H.A.M.M. van
The reforestation of Madagascar : indication of seedling development of endemic species in relation to associated influence variables in Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar
Fröling, M. (Student); Duijl, E. van
Effect of the reduced farmer input support programme pack size on small scale farmers' maize yield : a case of Katuba constituency (Chibombo district-Zambia)
Sitali, S.M. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Improved seed for poor farmers : contribution of CBDA managed improved seed distribution system : the case of Enebssie Sar Midir district, Eastern Gojam Zone, Ethiopia
Tewoldebirhan, M.D. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.
Het voorjaarsdieet van de eikelmuis (Eliomys quercinus) in Zuid-Limburg
Bekkers, L. (Student); Turnhout, L. van (Student); Polet, J.J.; Rekers, M.G.M.
Xanthoceras Sorbifolium (Yellowhorn) seed germination and physiological index test
Liu, Y. (Student); Campbell, T.B.; Kijne, A.G.
Possibility of using High Resolution Melting (HRM) Analysis to identify the genetic purity of vegetable seed samples
Li, R. (Student); Gildemacher, B.H.
The fearless planet organic palm oil project : a case of organic and fair trade palm oil production in Kwaebibirem District, Ghana
Foli, S.K. (Student); Hal, J.G.J. van