Zocht je misschien: aard?
Dyslexie en Engels in 4 HAVO
Jeanette den Hartigh (Student); Doreen Admiraal (Begeleider)
Bibliometrics and altmetrics literature review: Performance indicators and comparison analysis
Dimitra Karanatsiou; Nikos Misirlis; Maro Vlachopoulou
Inaugural lecture Sustainable Cooperative Entrepreneurship. The innovation army is marching!
Foorthuis, Willem
An analytical perspective on primary school design as architectural synthesis towards the development of needs-centred guidelines
de Vrieze, Ron; Moll, Henri C.
Family-based HEPA approach in the school & sport club context
Shokoohi, Roya; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); De Martelaer, Kristine
Perceived health status
Tommy L.S. Visscher (Associate Lector); Jeroen Lakerveld; Nanna Olsen; Leanne Küpers; Sofia Ramalho; Laura Keaver; Christina Brei; Jan-Inge Bjune; Silvia Ezquerro; Volkan Yumuk
Supply chain finance and its accounting treatment : reclassification of trade payables and it's implications for the professional field
Bauke Feenstra; Anne Rikst Engbers; Michiel Steeman (Lector)
Reconstructing with trace information
de Gruijter, Madeleine; de Poot, Christianne (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Elffers, Henk
The influence of scientific knowledge on extended flute techniques and their execution
Sofia Gantois (Student); Emlyn W. Stam (Begeleider)
Personal meaning in relation to daily functioning of a patient in physical therapy practice: narratives of a patient, a family member, and physical therapist
Ellen Oosting (Onderzoeker); Jaap Dronkers (Lid Lectoraat); Thomas J. Hoogeboom (Onderzoeker); Nico L.U. van Meeteren (Onderzoeker); Willem Marie Speelman