Geschilbeslechting in een rechtvaardige stad
Mein, Arnt (Lectoraat Legal Management)
Comparing the Effectiveness of the Blended Delivery Mode With the Face-to-Face Delivery Mode of Smoking Cessation Treatment
Siemer, Lutz; Pieterse, Marcel E; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); Postel, Marloes G; Brusse-Keizer, Marjolein G J
El efecto búmeran y los discursos de odio en los comentarios en prensa
Cabeza San Deogracias, José; Casado Linares, Raúl (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Gómez Segarra, Manuel
Competenties voor de Economische Transitie
Alvarado Valenzuela, JuanFra (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Factsheet: Wat werkt in Home-Start
Lange, Aurelie (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
'No way! I'll stay! Who will get me out of here?'
van der Kloet, Hieke (Living Environment In Transition); Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition); Groote, Peter; Haartsen, Tialda
CSI-CSI: Comparing several investigative approaches toward crime scene improvement
Knes, Anna S.; de Gruijter, Madeleine; Zuidberg, Matthijs C.; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Pool-Goudzwaard, Annelies L; Vredeveld, Tom (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Distinguishing happiness and meaning in life from depressive symptoms: A GWAS-by-subtraction study in the UK Biobank
de Vries, Lianne P.; Demange, Perline A.; Baselmans, Bart M. L. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Vinkers, Christiaan H.; Pelt, Dirk H. M.; Bartels, Meike
Lifestyle and health changes in wheelchair users with a chronic disability after 12 weeks of using the WHEELS mHealth application
Hoevenaars, Dirk; Holla, Jasmijn F M; de Groot, Sonja; Weijs, Peter J M (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Kraaij, Wessel; Janssen, Thomas W J